Classes in Scala

Scala Tutorial

Senthil Nayagan
2 min readDec 9, 2018

Classes in Scala are declared using a syntax which is close to Java’s syntax with one important difference is that classes in Scala can have parameters.

If no constructor is defined, a class has a default constructor which takes no arguments.

The below class, SimpleClass has a primary constructor which is in the class signature (name: String, age: Int).

* Classes in Scala are declared using a syntax which is close to
* Java's syntax with one important difference is that classes in
* Scala can have parameters.
* This SimpleClass class takes two arguments: name and age.
* These arguments must be passed when creating an instance of
* class SimpleClass as follows: new SimpleClass("John", 30).
class SimpleClass (name: String, age: Int) {
def showName() = name
def showAge() = age

The SimpleClass class takes two arguments and these arguments must be passed when creating an instance as follows:

new SimpleClass("John", 30)

A class can inherit from multiple traits but only one abstract class.

Methods without arguments

We don’t need to put an empty pair of parenthesis after method name — removing empty pair of parenthesis is perfectly doable in Scala as follows:

def showName = name
def showAge = age


All classes in Scala inherit from a super-class.

When no super-class is specified, scala.AnyRef is implicitly used.

Classes can only have one super-class but many mixins (using the keywords extends and withrespectively).

What can’t be done with Classes?

Public access modifier is not allowed — Scala class is public by default.

Differences and Similarities with Java


  • Classes in Scala cannot have static members.
  • “public” access modifier is not allowed.
  • Classes are public by default — Java’s default modifier i.e. “protected” has visibility only within its own package.
  • Classes can have parameters.
  • Can have multiple public classes in a Scala source file — Unlike Scala, Java source file can have only one public class.
  • There is no need to match the source filename with the public class name.
  • We must initialize with some value to variables because we cannot define a variable with no value!


  • Like Java, classes can be instantiated using the new construct.
  • There can be many “instances” (or “objects”) of the same class.

Scala Exercises:



Senthil Nayagan
Senthil Nayagan

Written by Senthil Nayagan

I am a Data Engineer by profession, a Rustacean by interest, and an avid Content Creator.

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